Monday, May 21, 2007

Excitement last Sunday ...

there were a very interested, big audience, a lot of news how the idea of novinkachudoba™ already is spread out and future prospects to our embarking on a strategy for the next level.

Also we had a new expert as a stand-in for pán Juhass; Christian Rögga is a spin doctor for the slovakian governement. He explained the very new plan for alphabetization: to read brand-new markets, processes and incidents. We hope to see him again with us!

Here are some good examples for the real novinkachudoba™-ideas:

emotions are an amazing thing / emócie sú úžasná vec


the right person in the right job

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Our next meeting with YOU ...

will be on the 13th of May in Studio 12 in Bratislava.

There will be also some new colleagues of our association who will present new thoughts and examples for the future of Central Europe.

You can talk and discuss with us new ideas, markets and impressions and by the way you will see a new brand: novinkachudoba™

We will see you in Štúdio 12, Jakubovo nám. 12, Bratislava at 19:00 on the 13.05.2007 Reservation phone: +421 (0)2 - 5930 4779